Hello. We are a team of researchers from Grinnell College and we are conducting research about people’s experiences as members of Big 10 Environmental Movement Organizations. (IRB Protocol Number: ID # 22_23-2 ). The purpose of our research is to learn more about how members and supporters of the Big 10 think about how their organizations engage with environmental issues and questions of social justice.

Your participation would be completely voluntary and would involve a brief survey and the option to participate in one informal interview that would last between 30 minutes to 90 minutes.

You may choose to stop the survey at any time. The researchers will do everything they can to protect your privacy. Your identity or personal information will not be disclosed in any publication that may result from the study.

This research has no known risks. We hope this research will benefit the Environmental Movement and Indigenous communities through developing our understanding of how these groups interact. Do you consent to participate in this study?